[gopher] OT: Anyone interested in text editor programming?

N. Theodore Matavka n.theodore.matavka.files at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 06:37:38 UTC 2010

Hello, world!

I know this is a Gopher mailing list, but I know that there are some
budding developers among you.  Recently, I have rescued some software
from the bit bucket, and I am asking, if it is not too much, if there
are any among you interested in bringing a great old editor back to
the forefront.

I am talking about TECO: the famously cryptic Text Editor and
Corrector, now made far less cryptic due to the addition of a GUI.  If
you have ever done any amount of work on HP or DEC minis, you must
know what I'm talking about.  If not, here's a quick rundown:

TECO was the first-ever programmer's editor to be written, in the
tradition of vi and emacs.  In fact, emacs is a direct descendant of
TECO, having originally been called Editor Macros.  It is included as
system standard on all manner of VAXen and PDP-10s.  Its one main
drawback was that the buffer of text that was being worked on was not
visible except on-demand, and one could completely mangle a document
with just a few keystrokes, until someone managed to write a version
of TECO that displayed the text buffer all the time.

Video TECO is an attempt to re-create this great old editor in a
version that any Tom, Dick, or Harry would understand.  It was written
by Paul Cantrell ten years ago; the files had been lost, until I
discovered a snapshot of the source hiding in my e-mail inbox.  I've
even found a patch to make it run on Linux.  So I've re-released it
under the Sleepycat Licence, and I am currently enlisting developers
to help me add new features and squash bugs.

I've got plenty of documentation from DEC and HP as to how to work
this editor; I've been using it for quite a while in its old version,
and would surely appreciate video TECO.  A version of video TECO
already exists on VAX, and it is only by luck that I managed to find
this version for PC.

I have just put the files on SourceForge, and they are available at:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/newteco/.  Please assist me in this
great endeavour.

Nick Matavka.

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