[gopher] helsinki -> uppsala (gopher.floodgap.com)

Cameron Kaiser spectre at floodgap.com
Sat Dec 18 03:43:27 UTC 2010

gopher.floodgap.com will be frozen and robot crawls will cease in anticipation
of moving gopher.floodgap.com from helsinki, the old Power Mac 7300 + G3/500
that runs it now, to uppsala, the IBM Power 520 Express (2-way 4.2GHz POWER6)
that will be arriving in a few days. Only the news bots will remain active
pulling down feeds; everything else will be suspended. You can still access
everything but nothing will be updated.

Once uppsala is activated, it will build its own database from scratch instead
of copying over helsinki's. This is to take advantage of the new database and
also clean out all the deadwood, so you will notice renewed crawling activity
from an unusual address in the Floodgap network. There will then be a
switchover, and uppsala will (hopefully transparently) take over.

The idea with uppsala is to combine stockholm (the Apple Network Server),
helsinki and godthaab (the internal Q605 proxy server) into one big superserver
that runs everything. This server wasn't cheap, but should last for years and
years, and will cost less to run than the three boxes it is replacing.

The migration will definitely be done by February 2011, although I imagine I
may have it done sooner.

------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckaiser at floodgap.com
-- Excellent guess, Kreskin. Wrong, but excellent. -- Space Quest 6 -----------

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