[gopher] helsinki -> uppsala (gopher.floodgap.com)

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Sat Dec 18 05:12:09 UTC 2010

On 2010-12-18 05:43, Cameron Kaiser wrote:

> gopher.floodgap.com will be frozen and robot crawls will cease in anticipation
> of moving gopher.floodgap.com from helsinki, the old Power Mac 7300 + G3/500
> that runs it now, to uppsala, the IBM Power 520 Express (2-way 4.2GHz POWER6)

That's a nice machine for sure. I've got an extra pSeries 550 (dual P5) 
waiting for installation - I too want to transfer everything over to an 
AIX machine. Linux is just too easy....

- Kim

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