[gopher] gopher+ borkin -> bring on gopher++

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Sat Jan 9 21:23:39 UTC 2010

Even the c complier is against gopher+:

[kimmy at one kgopherd]$ cat gopher+.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
         int gopher = 0;


         printf("The next gopher version is: %i\n", gopher);

[kimmy at one kgopherd]$ cc -o gopher+ gopher+.c
gopher+.c: In function ‘main’:
gopher+.c:7: error: expected expression before ‘;’ token

[kimmy at one kgopherd]$ cat gopher++.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
         int gopher = 0;


         printf("The next gopher version is: %i\n", gopher);

[kimmy at one kgopherd]$ cc -o gopher++ gopher++.c
[kimmy at one kgopherd]$ ./gopher++
The next gopher version is: 1


So it begins... I'm pretty much finished with some extensions to the 
gopher protocol (the original, not +) which would bring things like
virtual hosts to gopher. The extensions are 100% backward and forward 
compatible with gopher0 - as in old gopher0 clients can talk to gopher++ 
servers, and gopher++ clients can talk to old gopher servers without any 
side-effects. Also, I'm not trying to bring gopher closer to the mess 
that is HTTP. As I see it HTTP has a dumb server and bloat.. um, smart 
client while gopher has a smart server but a dumb client (which is IMHO 
a MUCH better model).

Anyway, before I make a total fool out of myself by explaining my 
(potentially) stupid ideas, I'll just ask one "hypothetical" question:

What happens if a client sends more than one row of text to the server?

As far as I can see nothing bad happens. A gopher0 server reads one line 
of text (the selector) from the client, dumps some data to the client 
and closes the connection. Any extra data the client sends is never even 
read by the server.

I've tested this with bucktooth, pygopherd, gopherd and of course my own 
kgopherd (which was totally unmodified for this) and all worked just 
fine (and by fine I mean they ignored the extra data).

So, if anyone thinks this will break an existing server, please test it 
with the following netcat command (on Unix, should work with Cygwin on 
Windows) and send me the results.

$ printf "/\r\nextra line\r\nanother\r\none\r\n" | nc <host> 70

- Kim

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