[gopher] gopher++ examples with Gophernicus/0.5-alpha

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Wed Mar 31 16:40:37 UTC 2010

On 2010-03-31 18:17, Cameron Kaiser wrote:

>> Oh, and if you're doing a new release please rename the getline()'s
>> which make compiling on Linux fail.
> Yes :) however, I have other plans in mind for ck9, so that is not coming
> out imminently -- for one thing, I am trying to fix the line box to be more
> flexible, which lays out okay but does not make clickable areas right.

Just wanted to say that your version of Mosaic is a really good browser 
considering it's age. I had it up and running today for hours and it 
didn't even crash :-).

- Kim

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