[gopher] Mosaic on Nokia N900 (failed attemp)

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Tue Nov 9 14:11:55 UTC 2010

On 2010-11-08 22:17, Kim Holviala wrote:

> Build succeeded, but apparently the N900's fonts are TTF only.

Since we've been kinda discussing about the N900 here... I found out 
that Maemo is configured as TrueType/Fontconfig only - as in there is 
absolutely nothing related to X11 server-side fonts on either the device 
or in the repos.

Just in case someone's thinking "hey, I'll port this simple X11 proggy 
to the N900" - it might not be so easy. I couldn't even get something as 
simple as xset up and running...

So, no Mosaic on the N900, unfortunately.

- Kim

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