[gopher] Gophernicus 1.0 released

Jacob Dahl Pind rachael at telefisk.org
Sat Oct 9 14:52:04 UTC 2010

On 10/09/2010 02:53 PM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>>> gopher://telefisk.org/1/mailarchives/gopher/
>>> Damn, that's a nice solution with beautiful urls. Didn't even think of
>>> that....
>> Just in case someone's wondering... Jacob's got a bunch of mbox files 
>> which he wanted to share in splitted form without really splitting the 
>> files.
> That's pretty cool. There's an off-by-one error apparently though: it
> seems that the last entry of the directories I was looking at don't work.
> But the other ones work fine. Neat idea.

Bah perl bite me :) ($mail != "") vs ($mail ne "") to see if it was
supposed to show the list or a single mail.


Jacob Dahl Pind | telefisk.org | fidonet 2:237/38.8

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