[gopher] Gopher Archive

Mateusz Viste mateusz at viste-family.net
Sun Aug 28 16:31:10 UTC 2011

You can't. Your URL is not a valid gopher URL. Should be:


where  "S" is the gopher selector, that will tell you what type of ressource the user wants to retrieve (menu, text file, music, image, etc).

Best regards,
Mateusz Viste

On Sunday 28 August 2011 18:23:36 Wolfgang F. wrote:
> No, I mean a file retrieved from a Gopher server, not just a file in
> the archive. I.E., someone requests
> gopher://example.com/directory/file from the proxy. How do I figure
> out if it's a
> Gopher menu or just a random text file?
> On 8/27/11, John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> wrote:
> > Hi Wolfgang,
> >
> > The only way that files made it into the archive I spidered is if they
> > were in a menu somewhere.  As far as figuring what menu they were in --
> > that could take some nontrivial effort with grep, I'd imagine.
> >
> > -- John
> >
> > On 08/27/2011 06:51 PM, Wolfgang F. wrote:
> >> I am working on making a web-browsable Gophernet archive&  proxy,
> >> which should be available in a beta version in a few months
> >> (hopefully). In the meantime, I'm having a little bit of difficulty:
> >> Is there any way to figure out if a file is a menu, other than
> >> checking other menus to find out?
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