[gopher] OverbiteFF 2.1

Jacob Dahl Pind rachael at telefisk.org
Fri Mar 4 16:05:44 UTC 2011

On 03/04/2011 05:51 AM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> OverbiteFF 2.1 is out; it is available from gopher.floodgap.com and has been
> uploaded for review at Mozilla Add-ons. This version supports Firefox 3.0
> through Firefox 4.0, and SeaMonkey 2.0 (support for 2.1 beta is in progress).
> 2.1 adds terminal document navigation (in documents, an XUL dropdown now
> appears letting you go back to the root menu), item type rewriting (if you
> type something like

Seems it has some issues with the danish chars in that dropdown it says
"Gå til roden..." instead of "Gå til roden..."

havent looked at the code yet if its a typo in overbite or its firefox
that cant handle those chars right in the dropdown.


Jacob Dahl Pind | telefisk.org | fidonet 2:237/38.8

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