[gopher] cgi on Gopher?

Mateusz Viste mateusz at viste-family.net
Sun Mar 6 19:04:53 UTC 2011

On Sunday 06 March 2011 19:52:50 Mike Hebel wrote:
> I vaguely recall someone talking about getting cgi scripts to work on 
> Gopher but I can't seem to find the thread.


As a first start you might want to read the manual of my gopher server  -  Motsognir.


I wrote in the Motsognir's manual a chapter about how CGI works with Motsognir (but it actually works very similar in all implementations).

Mateusz Viste
You'll find my public OpenPGP key at http://www.viste-family.net/mateusz/pub_key
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