[gopher] cgi on Gopher?

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Sun Mar 6 21:38:37 UTC 2011

On 3/6/11 1:47 PM 3/6/11, Mike Hebel wrote:
> On 3/6/11 1:42 PM 3/6/11, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>>> http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PyWiki
>>> It appears to only require python and cgi-bin to work so I'm kind of
>>> wondering what it would take to get it working on a pygopherd or
>>> something similar.
>> How would posting comments work, however? I guess you could use an 
>> ASK form,
>> but no current clients support it (the only one I can think of off 
>> the top
>> of my head is hgopher).
> I guess that's one of the things that would have to be figured out.

Actually thinking about it isn't there a way to do simple input using 
cgi scripting?

Looking at the instructions for Motsognir it seems it supports the 
QUERY_STRING variable and since that is also supported by python:


it seems possible at least in theory.  That means as long as we can get 
the data in/out of the cgi you could have python do the wiki stuff 
behind the scenes.

This is definitely looking like a major rewrite if it's possible.  I 
still think it would be a worthwhile project.

Dammit.  Now I'm wondering if I'm up to the task.  *grump* Rusty 
programming skills... *grump*


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