[gopher] Gophernicus 1.2-beta & virtual hosting

Brian Koontz brian at pongonova.net
Sat Sep 17 13:32:46 UTC 2011

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:21:01PM +0200, Walter Vermeir wrote:
> I will (at least for now) not use this virtual hosting. A gopher
> link is still a URL. I find it very important that a url always
> point to the same spot. In any case, that makes things more simpler,
> and that is where it is all about with gopher, keeping it simple.

You miss the beauty of gopher:  So-called "links" (selectors) are
maintained server-side, meaning the selectors remain constant, even if
you move hosts.  This is in stark contrast to HTTP, where links that
are moved are immediately broken from a client perspective.

I run a site (gopher://pongonova.org) that is also accessible via the
OpenNIC namespace (gopher://pongonova.gopher).  Doing this requires no
internal changes to gophermaps or selectors.  The selectors are simply
updated when they are accessed to reflect whatever host was used by
the client.  Nothing is broken.  It requires a couple code changes in


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