[gopher] Need suggestions regarding proposed Gopher History Archive contract
John Goerzen
jgoerzen at complete.org
Wed Apr 11 19:48:42 UTC 2012
Hi folks,
I have been in contact with Stanford University regarding placing a copy
of my Gopherspace crawl from a few years ago over there. I have
attached the document they want me to sign, and below you can see some
of the concerns I raised with them about it. I am not a lawyer and
would appreciate any advice.
-- John
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [gopher] Gopher History Now Archived at ibiblio.org
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 15:45:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Susan L Rojo <srojo at stanford.edu>
To: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Hi John,
Thank you for the thoughtful response. Your points regarding the
physical/digital issue are well taken and you are not the first to raise
them. We are slowly making changes to reflect this issue but at this
point the deed modified as it is should suffice for our purposes. Let me
clarify points below.
I am uncertain that I can represent that I am the owner of this data.
We are declaring you the owner of the collection, not necessarily the
owner from a content or copyright sense. Similarly, if you were donating
your collection of Beatles memorabilia, we know you aren't the copyright
holder or the only one to own a pair of Mickey ears.
Could I simply sign something authorizing Stanford to archive, preserve,
etc. the collection, so far as I have the power to do?
The Deed is the "simple" sign over for Stanford. We need to show the
provenance of the collection and the deed is the way we do that. It has
more legalese than is necessary for your collection but is our mechanism
for starting the process. You aren't taking responsibility for every bit
of data included and due to the nature of the collection Stanford
understands that you did not create the data you have curated.
If Stanford intends to use its ownership of the material to remove the
ability of others to access it through other means, this is not an
overall benefit to the community.
In no way would Stanford try to stop others from using the data. The
point of Stanford having a copy is to be sure a copy is saved "forever"
for use specifically by students and faculty and also by the general
population. Clause 5 clarifies that at this point Stanford is committing
to preserving the data but will not be able to provide access to it
until the point that it has been "processed." Some people expect that
they give a donation to Stanford and can find it in the library catalog
a week or two later. It takes longer than that and Stanford wants to be
sure the donor understands this. In the case of the Gopher collection,
there are multiple sources for access and this isn't an issue. We are
working on an access mechanism for our digital repository but that is
likely some time off.
I hope I have addressed your concerns and that you are willing to move
forward. I don't really have flexibility for changing the document more
than I have to account for the nature of the collection. It is more of a
formality in this case since, like you said, the data is readily
available on the internet. It just happens to be a formality I have to
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
*From: *"John Goerzen" <jgoerzen at complete.org>
*To: *"Susan L Rojo" <srojo at stanford.edu>
*Sent: *Monday, April 2, 2012 12:11:48 PM
*Subject: *Re: [gopher] Gopher History Now Archived at ibiblio.org
Hi Susan,
Thank you for re-sending. The document made it this time.
I have reviewed it. I would be quite pleased to see this collection
housed at Stanford. I hope the material can be preserved with the best
possible access for everyone.
The agreement, however, appears tailored to physical (non-digital)
items, and as such I still have the following concerns:
1. I am uncertain that I can represent that I am the owner of this data.
1. I certainly collected it via a gopher crawl. As such,
perhaps one could state that I am indeed the owner of the
collection as a whole; however, for something so easily
copied across the Internet, this language strikes me as
regressive and quite possibly inaccurate. Stanford
obviously would have an interest in maintaining it; could I
simply sign something authorizing Stanford to archive,
preserve, etc. the collection, so far as I have the power to do?
2. The combination of clause 2 and 5 also concerns me. As this data
is already generally available to researchers on the Internet, if
Stanford intends to use its ownership of the material to remove
the ability of others to access it through other means, this is
not an overall benefit to the community.
I do not know what degree of flexibility you have in these matters. I
would suggest, incidentally, that these questions are likely to arise
with increasing frequency in the future, as more and more artifacts of
historic interest are digital-only. Would you like to proceed further?
-- John
On 03/30/2012 04:44 PM, Susan L Rojo wrote:
Hi John,
Not sure what that glitch was but try the attached.
*From: *"John Goerzen" <jgoerzen at complete.org>
*To: *"Susan L Rojo" <srojo at stanford.edu>
*Sent: *Wednesday, March 28, 2012 1:18:25 PM
*Subject: *Re: [gopher] Gopher History Now Archived at ibiblio.org
Hi Susan,
The attachment on this (and all the other messages you sent) didn't
make it through - it was present but empty. Can you double-check
and try resending?
-- John
On 03/14/2012 05:50 PM, Susan L Rojo wrote:
Hi John,
Attached and ready for your review is the Deed of Gift for
yourGopher collection. If you have any questions, please let me
know. Otherwise, please print out two copies, sign both and
return them to me at the address in my signature.
I have confirmed that we can transfer the data from the UNC site
as you suggested.
Thank you again for your patience and your willingness to work
with us.
*From: *"John Goerzen" <jgoerzen at complete.org>
*To: *"Susan L Rojo" <srojo at stanford.edu>
*Sent: *Friday, December 16, 2011 2:11:33 PM
*Subject: *Re: [gopher] Gopher History Now Archived at ibiblio.org
Hi Susan,
To answer your questions:
1) The easiest way to transfer the data to Stanford would
probably be for someone there to simply download it from the UNC
2) I have no specific knowledge of data that should be
restricted from view. However, having said that, this is a copy
of data that was sitting out there on the Internet. It would be
naive of me to attempt to give an authoritative answer to that
3) I do not own the copyright to most of these files, with a few
exceptions. (Data from my own server is included.)
4) PO Box 393, Hesston, KS 67062. 620-367-2347.
-- John
On 12/15/2011 02:51 PM, Susan L Rojo wrote:
Hi John,
Thank you for letting me know.
Below are a few questions I have to complete the deed of
gift for review by my manager. Once he approves it, I will
send it to you for your agreement or further discussion.
How do you think we could best transfer the gopher data to
Do you think there is data in the collection that should be
restricted from view for any reason?
Do you own copyright to the files you will be donating?
What is your address and phone (for the official document)?
I also wanted to confirm that Stanford is planning to be a
long term custodian of the collection but at this time will
not be providing access to the data. This should be okay
since the data can be accessed at UNC.
*From: *"John Goerzen" <jgoerzen at complete.org>
*To: *"Susan L Rojo" <srojo at stanford.edu>
*Sent: *Friday, December 9, 2011 1:26:20 PM
*Subject: *Re: [gopher] Gopher History Now Archived at
Hi Susan,
No problem. As far as I know, that is the only copy UNC is
maintaining. It is part of their large permanent data
-- John
On 12/08/2011 06:41 PM, Susan L Rojo wrote:
So sorry for not seeing this earlier and sending the
follow up message!
I appreciate your response and would like to pursue
this. Do you know if UNC is keeping a copy somewhere in
addition to the website you sent below?
PS. I'll be back in the office on Tuesday so may not
respond until then.
*From: *"John Goerzen" <jgoerzen at complete.org>
*To: *"Susan L Rojo" <srojo at stanford.edu>
*Sent: *Monday, December 5, 2011 7:04:14 AM
*Subject: *Re: [gopher] Gopher History Now Archived at
Hi Susan,
Thank you for following up with me. Since we last
chatted, I found a home for the material at the
University of North Carolina's iBiblio project. The
data lives here:
I would be happy to have a copy at Stanford as well, but
I am not sure if it is a good fit; a deed of gift is
perhaps hard to apply to this kind of material, which
can be simply copied at will. If you want to pursue it,
I'm open to that; but at the same time, given its home
at UNC, I'm OK with just leaving it there.
-- John
On 12/02/2011 06:35 PM, Susan L Rojo wrote:
Hi John,
My desk has cleared a bit and I am wondering (once
again) if you are interested in donating your
collection of Gopher materials to Stanford. If so, I
will send you a few questions about the collection,
draft a deed of gift for you to review, and then get
the files transferred to Stanford.
Please let me know if you are interested.
*From: *"John Goerzen" <jgoerzen at complete.org>
*To: *"Susan L Rojo" <srojo at stanford.edu>
*Sent: *Thursday, August 12, 2010 7:41:48 AM
*Subject: *Re: [gopher] Gopher History Now Archived
at ibiblio.org
On 08/11/2010 06:44 PM, Susan L Rojo wrote:
> Hi John,
> Congratulations on having your collection hosted by
> http://torrent.ibiblio.org. I wanted to check in
to see if you are still
> interested in having it preserved at Stanford as
> Best,
> ~Susan
Hi Susan,
Yes, I am still interested in having it at Stanford
too, if that's still
on the table on your end.
-- John
Susan Rojo
Manager, Digital Media and Collections Projects
HRG, Green Library, 557 Escondido Mall
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford CA 94305-6004
AKA Mollie Mavendorf in SL
srojo at stanford.edu
Susan Rojo
Manager, Digital Media and Collections Projects
HRG, Green Library, 557 Escondido Mall
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford CA 94305-6004
AKA Mollie Mavendorf in SL
srojo at stanford.edu
Susan Rojo
Manager, Digital Media and Collections Projects
HRG, Green Library, 557 Escondido Mall
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford CA 94305-6004
AKA Mollie Mavendorf in SL
srojo at stanford.edu
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