[gopher] Gopher software

MatjazM matjaz85 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 08:11:24 UTC 2012

On 16. jun. 2012, at 01:07, Nick Matavka wrote:

> !drlow ,olleH
> Could I have a list of Gopher software currently being maintained?  I
> am especially interested in software for Windows and UN*X (Mac and
> Linux), but I would also welcome names and sites of software for
> classic Mac, Commodore 64, Amiga, and what have you.  Here's what I
> know at the moment:

Nice list! I would add some software from here:


They have gopher client and server (their own modification of standard gopher+ server) They also have a gopher site - one of few from the actual gopher era.

And another nice client for DOS:



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