[gopher] Draft RFC

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Thu Jun 21 09:38:11 UTC 2012

On 21.6.2012 8:14, Nick Matavka wrote:

> Having spent several weeks writing this, I believe that the draft RFC
> is just about ready to be published.  Without further ado, allow me to
> present the new Gopher specification!  Unless anyone says otherwise,
> this is what will get published.
> http://piratepad.net/gopher

Just a quick comment; the filetype for Mime was a capital "M", not "m". 
And it's actually from the sources of UMN gopher - I finally remembered 
where I got it from. That's the same list where I got the "P" for PDF from.

Here's the full list from object/GSgopherobj.h:

#define A_FILE      '0'      /* Types of objects */
#define A_DIRECTORY '1'
#define A_CSO       '2'
#define A_ERROR     '3'
#define A_MACHEX    '4'
#define A_PCBIN     '5'
#define A_INDEX     '7'
#define A_TELNET    '8'
#define A_UNIXBIN   '9'
#define A_SOUND     's'
#define A_EVENT     'e'
#define A_CALENDAR  'c'
#define A_GIF       'g'
#define A_HTML      'h'
#define A_TN3270    'T'
#define A_MIME      'M'
#define A_IMAGE     'I'
#define A_INFO      'i'
#define A_MOVIE     ';'
#define A_PDF       'P'
#define A_WORLD     'v'
#define A_APP       '!'
#define A_EOI       '.'

- Kim

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