[gopher] Draft RFC

Alistair alistair at alistairsserver.no-ip.org
Thu Jun 21 19:42:38 UTC 2012

On 21/06/2012 20:22, Nick Matavka wrote:
> It should be mandatory for a Gopher client to support LINKING TO
> things that aren't gopher.  HTTP clients (aka web browsers) do the
> same thing.
> For instance, if you see a link like <mailto:asdf at example.co.uk> you
> can click it and it will launch your eMail client.  If you see a link
> like <gopher://gopher.example.co.uk> it will launch your Gopher
> client.

This is by no means a universal capability. This relies on having 
software on the system able to service those protocols for a start, and 
the client knowing how to invoke them (or having an operating system 
that automagically launches the correct client).

On a system with no multi-tasking capabilities launching an appropriate 
client could well mean terminating the current program and losing any 
current state too. I suppose one could handle it like following a link 
to a file - that is ask the user whether they want to launch a program 
to handle it or to go back (or in the case of a file save to local storage).

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