[gopher] proxad.net ?
Damien Carol
damien.carol at gmail.com
Tue May 1 14:33:38 UTC 2012
I'm sorry,
The requests came from GOGOPH Search Engine crawlers.
I'm working on the crawler code to change the way it works.
I will limit the number of request per seconds.
My apologies,
Damien CAROL
2012/5/1 Denis Bernard <denis.bernard at laposte.net>
> Suppose you have a Unix-like OS:
> 1. Using "host"
> $ host isl38-2-78-245-10-32.fbx.proxad.net
> isl38-2-78-245-10-32.fbx.proxad.net has address
> 2. Using "nmap"
> $ nmap -Pn
> Starting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2012-05-01 14:16 CEST
> Nmap scan report for isl38-2-78-245-10-32.fbx.proxad.net (
> Host is up (0.052s latency).
> Not shown: 997 filtered ports
> 70/tcp open gopher
> 2049/tcp open nfs
> 2222/tcp open EtherNet/IP-1
> 3. Now we know that a port 70 exists from the said IP. Run either:
> gopher -p/ -T1
> or: lynx gopher://
> or: gopher:// (with Firefox + Overbite)
> -- Denis
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