[gopher] [GOGOPH] Starting crawler

David Griffith dave at 661.org
Thu May 3 23:05:30 UTC 2012

On Thu, 3 May 2012, Christoph Lohmann wrote:

> Greetings.
> On Thu, 03 May 2012 23:20:41 +0200 Jeff W <simple at sdf.org> wrote:
>> > ...
>> > Anyway, you can enter this command with Gopher UMN client:
>> >  "gopher -p/ dams.zapto.org"
>> Same with the geomyidae gopherd;  I just assumed it was a bug in
>> the UMN gopher client.  Might be worth keeping a work-around since
>> gopher(1) seems to still linger in various package repositories.
> According  to the source of gopher(1) it is assuming Gopher+, if no path
> is given. Only if a path is given, then the flag for Gopher+ isn’t  set.
> The  gopher plus flag will always first read the Gopher+ header. If that
> cannot be received it aborts.
> Either  gopher(1)  is patched to first assume plain gopher or all gopher
> servers move to Gopher+.

It seems like the right way to go about this is produce a patch and pass 
it to John Goerzen (maintains the Debian package) and up to whoever 
maintains the Uni of Minnesota distribution.

David Griffith
dave at 661.org

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