[gopher] What's my IP address in gopher!

Denis Bernard denis.bernard at laposte.net
Sat May 5 12:07:12 UTC 2012

Kim Holviala <kim at ...> writes:

> I rule!
> gopher://gophernicus.org/1/whatsmyip/
> Now onto wondering what to do with the mill... bill... TRILLIONS I'll make
with this.
> - Kim

  Your idea to provide IP address with host name and country is good... but
implementation  is not compliant with rfc-1436 as you are using the “i” item

  You should generate your  message in a specific text file, hence using a “0”
item type.
  An alternative implementation could be achieved with a telnet server: run a
small program under a Xinetd server is easy to implement! You could write a
routine that first reads the xinetd log to know who is connected, then find
hosname and country and, finally,  generate the answer. So, you could use a “8”
item type (text-based telnet session).

  I do not like “i” item-type, not only because it is not strictly compliant to
the standard, but because it is a bad idea for the small devices (like smart
Having nice ascii-arts is not good for the readability of menus for this small 
displays! Making drawings in the menus is going in the same way that the Web
sites! On my opinion: ascii-arts should migrates from menu to the ABOUT
file. If not, gophersites will remain only for few nostalgic people and could
run only on desk computers! I sincerely think that Gopher is be more usable on
these small devices than Web because the informations are provided in the
simplest way. Do not miss the opportunity to reach the small devices computers
area by avoiding this “i” item-type!

  Just for the fun: may be you have on your system the library “libwww” from
W3C. This library provides a minimalist web browser for command line (without
curses) “www”. Do you know this browser is not only for Web but for Gopher
protocol too?  Run this to have a look at your gophersite:

www gopher://gophernicus.org/1/

then, my own gophersite: 

www gopher://oceamer.com/1/

  So, this www browser conforms to the standard rfc-1436 and do not render the
“i” item-type...

-- Denis

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