[gopher] What's my IP address in gopher!

Alistair alistair at alistairsserver.no-ip.org
Sat May 5 17:33:23 UTC 2012

On 05/05/2012 13:07, Denis Bernard wrote:
> Having nice ascii-arts is not good for the readability of menus for this small
> displays! Making drawings in the menus is going in the same way that the Web
> sites! On my opinion: ascii-arts should migrates from menu to the ABOUT
> file. If not, gophersites will remain only for few nostalgic people and could
> run only on desk computers! I sincerely think that Gopher is be more usable on
> these small devices than Web because the informations are provided in the
> simplest way. Do not miss the opportunity to reach the small devices computers
> area by avoiding this “i” item-type!

Modern phones etc all have ludicrously high resolutions though... The 
poor Sinclair Spectrum only has 256 pixels horizontal resolution and 
even 64 column text is pushing things... It means I have to truncate and 
scroll on anything that even comes close to the 70 char recommendation :(


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