[gopher] What's my IP address in gopher!

Zack Mayson zmayson46 at googlemail.com
Mon May 7 19:40:56 UTC 2012

On 07/05/2012 18:03, Dennis Schulmeister wrote:
> On Sun, 06 May 2012 14:03:34 -0700
> "Bradley D. Thornton" <Bradley at NorthTech.US> wrote:
>> You're pontificating rant about relevance and obsolescence from your
>> own, narrow, personal perspective is ridiculous and foolish. People
>> continue to use the tools that are relevant to accomplishing the tasks
>> at hand, regardless of your lack of intelligent input and useless
>> negativity.
> Apart from you drifting into a personal level trying to insult
A personal attack isn't surprising, considering the fact that you
decided to insult the general community surrounding this mailing list.
> didn't get the point of my post. I agree that people will always use
> the tools which seem fit to the task at hand even if those tools are
> regarded as outdated by others. So the claim that gopher is obsolete
> might be questioned from that point of view.
Your accusation that gopher is obsolete /must/ be undermined by the
fact that you are pointing out a gopher server as yours (whether or
not it is is beside the point). Would anybody use a technology they
described as "obsolete"? No, not unless a better technology doesn't
exist. Which, considering that, as far as I can tell, your entire
criteria (unless some part of it that can't be inferred from your
previous emails) for "obsolete" is whether or not it works on
smartphones, isn't the case, since the HTMl/HTTP duo have presented
> But that's not the point of my post. The point is that the OP's claim
> is wrong.
> That is, it's not the i item type at all why gopher has no
> relevance on smart phones. And abolishing it won't help the situation
> either. It is just that gopher's heyday is long but over and it will
> probably never come back again.
Whether or not gopher's heyday is over, it is still useful for some
- Quick and dirty content publishing.
- Finding useful software/content/data that /isn't/ accompanied
  by tons of GIFs, nigh-unreadable text and badly formatted HTML
  (admittedly this was a bit more common in the 90s but it still
  exists, thanks to the likes of Angelfire, Tripod, and the (now
  defunct) Geocites)
- The ability to host your server on your home computer with almost no
- A uniform interface. No more gear-switching when you visit a
different website from the one you were just
- The fact that as long as text and images continue to be supported on
the computers of the future (and
   gopher clients being developed for them) people will be able to
access your content (theoretically; your
   server probably won't last that long)
- Simple protocol, so if you know a programming language and find a
platform which hasn't got a gopher
   client or server, you can implement one easily (or, if you want an
alternate interface (like that 3D one I
   forgot the name of) you can make one)

P.S. to anybody who cares: feel free to publish it as "Gopher
considered <http://www.jwz.org/doc/mailman.html> beneficial
<http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/jwzrebuttal.html>" or something
like that.

P.P.S I think I speak for most of the mailing list when I say.....

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