[gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

Wesley Teal wesleyteal at gmail.com
Tue May 8 12:44:05 UTC 2012

Kim's got a list of documents that may be of use:

As for item types here's one possible list that seems to conform more
or less to current practices:

   0   Text file
   1   Directory
   2   CSO phone-book server
   3   Error
   4   BinHexed Macintosh file
   5   Any binary archive
   6   Uuencoded file
   7   Index-Search server
   8   Telnet session
   9   Binary file
   +   Redundant server
   T   tn3270 session
   g   GIF image
   I   Any non-GIF image file
   i    informational text
   h   HTML file or Web-link
   x   XML file
   d   Any document file (PDF, PostScript, or word processor formats)
   s   Any audio file
   ;   Any video file <--oddly, this is the most commonly supported
for video. I think it
                                   dates back to ye olden days.

Most of these are defined in RFC 1436, but item types 'h', 'x', 'd',
's', and ';' are extensions
that are fairly common in modern usage, but are not supported by all
clients. OverbiteFF recognizes 'd', 's', and ';'. Lynx recognizes 's'
and ';'. DiggerDwarf and redgopher recognize 's'. Type 'h' is
recognized by most clients.

Some folks use 'p' for PDF, but at least one client (I can't remember
which) recognizes that as a PNG image file. Some folks use 'v' for
video, but I don't think any client supports it (I could be wrong).

On 5/8/12, Wolfgang Faust <wolfgangmcq at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm considering writing an updated gopher RFC as per the suggestion in the
> (seriously off-topic) thread "Whatsmyip for gopher!". I'm looking for
> references to documents about gopher, particularly:
> * The URL scheme
> * A complete list of item types
> * What to do about that pesky terminating period?
> * Anything else you can think of
> Thanks!
> --
> Wolfgang Faust
> 01010111 01101111 01101100 01100110

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