[gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Tue May 8 13:41:42 UTC 2012

On May 8, 2012, at 16:26 , Cameron Kaiser wrote:

>> Now this would be an excellent thing to get sorted out. I don't think theres
>> ever been an clear agreement about filetypes... For example I use "M" for
>> mbox (can't remeber where I got that), "p" for pdf/ps, "c" for calendar
>> files (ics), documents are under "9" and not "d" etc etc. 
> Interesting. I've been using 'd' for documents, and 'p' for PNG images
> (Overbite also uses this).

My point exactly. I've got no problem whatsoever to change my defaults, but it would be neat get a definiteve list...

> Someone proposed using 'c' for text/css but I don't know if that ever got off
> the ground.

Wouldn't that go under "h" for html? They're pretty much the same thing.

- Kim

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