[gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

Nuno J. Silva nunojsilva at ist.utl.pt
Tue May 8 20:23:42 UTC 2012

On 2012-05-08, Zack Mayson wrote:

> On 08/05/2012 21:09, Nuno J. Silva wrote
>> From what I remember, the gopher+ column was added to gopher menus
>> relying on older clients discarding anything else they didn't
>> understand at the end of menu entries.
>> So maybe, if we want to add a mime-type column, we could do so
>> *after* the g+ column.
> I thought it was the other way round; the UMN gopher client is so old
> and rotten it would  probably throw an error when it hit the
> theoretical 'm' column. And who knows how it would mess up Lynx (my
> favourite terminal-based gopher/web/ftp client).

The RFC says clients should ignore everything else. Now, I'd not be
surprised if some client *actually* chooses not to ignore these
additional fields.

Also, I don't recall whether gopher+ only used one field or if it
defined more fields.

,----[rfc1436, at the end of page 4]
| .  If there are yet other tab delimited fields, the basic
|    Gopher client should ignore them.  A CR LF denotes the end of the
|    item.

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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