[gopher] Towards Gopher 3.0

wesleyteal at gmail.com wesleyteal at gmail.com
Tue May 8 22:02:02 UTC 2012

Bonjour Dennis,
My French is much worse than your English (which is good) so I'll stop with the greeting. It's not collaborative and needs to be updated, but I've tried to keep a centralized webpage of gopher sites, info, and software here: http://wt.gopherite.org

I could add a wiki this summer if folks want.

On May 8, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Denis Bernard <Denis.bernard at laposte.net> wrote:

>  I am the guy who spoke about abuse of “i” item-type in gophermap files. I am
> sorry of the reactions that I have involuntary produced. A funny thing: I had
> published a utility for phlogging at Sourceforge in December 2010 that includes
> the “i” item-type! See at:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/nb2gopher/
> http://nb2gopher.sourceforge.net/
>  An other thing: English  is not my mother tong (I am French), be indulgent! 
>  What I want to tell to you: do not rush! Yes, everyone that loves Gopher
> agrees the fact that Gopher protocols need to be reviewed. But this is a huge
> task and taking fast decisions could bring disorders in the future.
>  What we have to day:
> 1 – a protocol directly defined in RFC-1436, in short: Gopher-1.0
> 2 – a protocol indirectly defined in RFC-4266 (known as Gopher+), in short:
> Gopher-2.0
> 3 – a Mime type: gopher
>  What we (gopher lovers) use to day: mostly Gopher-1.0, not Gopher-2.0 . It is
> a pity to forget the improvement that Gopher+ brings. There are many things
> useful in Gopher+, like votes. Do day, most of websites use votes (“I like it!”).
>  What I suggest:
> 1- to write a book for beginners in collaborative way (could be a wiki book at:
> http://en.wikibooks.org/) in English language. This book could tell about
> history of Gopher and, deeply, about the two protocols (Gopher and Gopher+).
> Doing that will make things clearer for us and will made existing gopher users
> and gopher software authors REALLY skilled in these protocols.
> 2 – to establish a list of existing clients and servers and their level of
> compliance of each Gopher protocols.
> 3 – creating a site (gopher and web) that will centralize informations about the
> key softwares (like clients, crawlers, servers, phonebooks...) related to Gopher
> protocols and documentations.
>  After the preliminaries, some persons will appear competent enough to speak
> about existing Gopher protocols.  These persons will be able to thing about a
> new third gopher protocol (Gopher-3.0) and should create a working group. 
>  Because of my language and because I am not deeply involved in Gopher to day,
> I am not candidate as a leader for these tasks.
> Now, it is up to you to think about all of that!
> Denis Bernard
> http://oceamer.com/
> gopher://oceamer.com/1/
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