[gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Wed May 9 06:08:25 UTC 2012

On 9.5.2012 8:53, Mateusz Viste wrote:

> That's eactly what I was thinking about right now. I think such "m"
> filetype is a quite good idea. When a client gets such file, it would
> get the mime-type of the file in the first line of the answer, and
> then the actual file.
> This would not break support of older gopher clients, because these
> would simply not handle 'm' filetypes at all.

Except, it would break *all* existing clients, including Overbite. The 
server would happily send stuff out as "m" and client would just reject 
all of that info... when before the server would serve type "0" or such 
and the client would happily show them....

Doing type "m", and I agree that it sounds like a good idea, would 
require that *everybody* would update *all* of their clients at the same 

- Kim

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