[gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

Wolfgang Faust wolfgangmcq at gmail.com
Wed May 9 14:25:53 UTC 2012

I have to say that when I suggested updating the RFC I wasn't suggesting we
*change* anything--I was merely suggesting that we put everything together
in one place. However, I seem to have brought up several major debates. I
won't take a side in the mime item type, as I don't know enough about it.
However, the period is a consistent source of confusion and debate. I would
suggest the following solution:
* Servers *may* send the period; clients *must* accept it
* Servers *should* send the period after menus, but may choose whether they
want to send it after other files
* Clients should display the period at the end of menus, if sent, to notify
the user that this is the end of the menu
* Clients should not include the period in other output, in case that
output has some significance which the period may disrupt.
* Clients should only consider a period as significant if it occurs
immediately before the connection is terminated.

Does this make sense? Any suggestions?
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