[gopher] Opera browser; gopher proxy

chr chr+gopher at tx0.org
Wed May 9 20:17:55 UTC 2012

Driedfruit (Wednesday 09 May 2012, 18:02):
> You can test it with a compatible browser (I think Opera is the last
> one to support gopher proxies) by using mindloop.net , port 80 . It
> looks like newer versions of Opera removed the config dialog,
> but the options are still accessible throu an ini-file:
> [Proxy]
> Use GOPHER=1
> Gopher server=mindloop.net:80

Great! Thanks.

> Here's my horrible, non-RFC complaint (URL mapping is wrong) code for
> reference.
> gopher://mindloop.net/0/~sobak/proxy/gopher.php

It says "Error: File or directory not found!"

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