[gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

Driedfruit driedfruit at mindloop.net
Wed May 9 05:13:13 UTC 2012

On Thu, 10 May 2012 15:55:19 +0300
Kim Holviala <kim at holviala.com> wrote:

> You could do text boxes with todays browser clients using simple
> forms and javascript :-).

That means munching all the entered data into the selector, which is
ascii7 in nature. Applying unicode or binary data is inheritly hard
that way. I guess you could you wrap your query in punycode[1] or
base64 or something similar using javascript, and decode it
server-side.. But to do this reliably, one must be sure that all the
clients are sending the data in the same format.

Now, if there's no intention to add "complex" interactions like POSTing
phlog entries via gopher *at all*, it's another story and the point
is moot. Or am I missing something else?


> - Kim
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