[gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Thu May 10 14:34:21 UTC 2012

On May 10, 2012, at 17:27 , Kim Holviala wrote:

>>> To my understanding (I stopped coding for living years ago)
>>> JavaScript these days has TCP sockets.
>> I might be completely off my mark here, but no, I don't think it does.
>> If it did, Overbite extensions would've implemented gopher directly in
>> JavaScript instead of redirecting to web gateways.
> Uh-oh, you're right. And people still think Javascript is a good idea? Damn...
> Well, both Flash and Java have real sockets, and you can offer both through gopher. I know my idea is a bit far-fetched, but in theory it should work.

You could also just POST a normal HTML form to an gopher URL... With a little bit of server fiddling (which is always easier than updating all clients) a gopher CGI can read the HTTP POST just fine.

Again, a straight through connection, it doesn't really matter what goes through.

- Kim

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