[gopher] You think MIME types is the killer feature ? LOLz

Jacob Dahl Pind rachael at telefisk.org
Thu May 10 20:30:37 UTC 2012

On Thu, 10 May 2012, Denis Bernard wrote:

> Jacob Dahl Pind <rachael at ...> writes:
>> you can not be seriours, the document describing gopher+ is far from clear
> Sorry to tell you that this document is easy to read and understand! But the
> reader is supposed to be already familiarized with the basic protocol...

Do you really think the whole +views and ASK parts are described in a 
meaningful way that facilitated others to make an implementation ?

>> and anything but the transmission of sizes, and it was never ever widely
>> support by anything
> Maybe Gopher+ was not widely implemented. But the Web wiped suddenly the gopher
> space at his epoch. So it is not a good argument.

Other than UMN gopherd that server did ever support it ? , it was a 
ignored and failed proposal, and as such it should'nt form the basis for a 
revised gopher rfc.

>> Gopher+ didnt solve any of the things people have brought up here now.
> Sorry to tell you again: Gopher+ solve all things that people are to day
> complaining here. Just take time to read this Gopher+ proposals!

Would you please point out where it would add addition info about a 
filetype, like Cameron is suggesting ?
The only thing I sees is the ! which would be an addition selector 
lookup per file, meaning one would have to access that before the actual file.

Jacob Dahl Pind | telefisk.org | fidonet 2:230/38.8

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