[gopher] Gor

Zack Mayson zmayson46 at googlemail.com
Mon May 14 19:16:19 UTC 2012

On 14/05/2012 20:03, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>> A bit like building a ultra-secure house and then leaving the door
>> open while you go shopping.
> Well, what about a Gopher-only Tor (Gor?) that has some entry nodes and
> some exit nodes? We have this sort of already with the proxies, but
> the entry nodes would randomize to either another entry node or an exit
> node.
> The trick here is defining a proxy "groxy" standard. This got talked about
> briefly in the distant past but nothing ever came of it.
Good idea. But the problem is, the gopher community's so small that
you'd only get a very small number exit/entry nodes. A high level of
exit/entry nodes (to my understanding) essential to any Tor-style
anonymity network. Or would this 'piggyback' (my term) on the tor
network? I can't really get how you're planning on doing it, but from
the wording I'd presume the former (an individual tor-like network).

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