[gopher] Soo sad today...

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Sat May 19 09:36:27 UTC 2012

On Sat, 19 May 2012, 12:15:53 EEST, Damien Carol <damien.carol at gmail.com> wrote:

> my NAS is out...
> 4To fo data lost   :/
> !!! NetGEAR ReadyNAS RND4000 !!!

Never trust RAID. If you don't backup off-site, then you didn't have the data in the first place.

As for NAS... D-Link DNS-323. Mirrored disks, one disk breaks and I replace it. Turn on the stupid box and asks me whether I want to resync my data.

Yeah. I couldn't believe it could actualy happen. As in in real life, not in fairytales.

The box treated the empty drive as the working one and proceeded to "sync" the wrong way emptying the full drive too.


It's been running plain Debian Testing ever since. Works fine without D-Links shitty software.

- Kim

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