[gopher] Which itemtype for video (vote)?

Nick Matavka n.theodore.matavka.files at gmail.com
Sat May 19 16:18:36 UTC 2012

Gentlemen and ladies:

It has come to my attention that the choice of item-type for video is
somewhat controversial.  The existing, but somewhat awkward, choice is
';' (semicolon), which is my own preference, but there are some who
have floated the idea of it being changed to 'v' (lowercase vee).  The
sole reason I prefer the semicolon is that it is the (unofficially)
established standard.  If the selector were changed, admins would have
to update their sites to accomplish the change, and some Gopher sites
are... shall we say... updated once in a bit over a millennium.
Furthermore, clients would have to be reprogrammed to accept the 'v'
selector as video.



vee: 0
semicolon: 1

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