[gopher] Soo sad today...

Damien Carol damien.carol at gmail.com
Sun May 20 11:16:57 UTC 2012

Yes, I agree my company use PowerEDGE with REAL raid controllers (PERC). I
manage it, I know how to do replication. We have 2 datacenters and
commercial software for replication (DOUBLETAKE).

BUT it's my personnal data. I can't do that in the cloud, you now?

Any solution for HOME backup solutions ? :>

2012/5/20 Bradley D. Thornton <Bradley at northtech.us>

> Hash: RIPEMD160
> On 05/19/2012 10:15 AM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> >> my NAS is out...
> >> 4To fo data lost  :/
> >> !!! NetGEAR ReadyNAS RND4000 !!!
> >
> > Yikes!
> >
> That's not a NAS. That's a toy.
> You do realize that you can buy a Proliant G5 w/6 146GB SAS drives w/a
> real RAID controller (like, do RAID 0+1, with extra hot standby drives,
> etc.) for about 400 bucks on eBay, right?
> I mean, why pay 200 bucks for a toy when you can have the real thing for
> 400 w/free shipping that has 8 cores and 8 or 12GB RAM?
> I see people all over the place using SuperMicros and depending on one
> measly power supply and a fake RAID controller and wonder that everyday.
> It may not have the TBs you want but for that price you could do a RAID
> 1 w/a hot failover for your OS and then buy three SAS drives of any size
> you want from NewEgg.
> Just thought I'd mention that because I run a 100% Proliant network in
> my datacenter based on this strategy.
> You can do the same thing with PowerEdge boxes too if you prefer Dells.
> Just thougt I'd mention that.
> - --
> Bradley D. Thornton
> Manager Network Services
> NorthTech Computer
> TEL: +1.310.388.9469  (US)
> TEL: +44.203.318.2755 (UK)
> TEL: +41.43.508.05.10 (CH)
> http://NorthTech.US
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Damien CAROL
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