[gopher] Soo sad today...

Bradley D. Thornton Bradley at NorthTech.US
Sun May 20 11:36:32 UTC 2012

Hash: RIPEMD160

On 05/20/2012 04:16 AM, Kim Holviala wrote:

> Get real. A "toy" NAS box is small and quiet while your Proliant is humangous, sucks power like there's no tomorrow and is freaking noisy.
>> I mean, why pay 200 bucks for a toy when you can have the real thing for
>> 400 w/free shipping that has 8 cores and 8 or 12GB RAM?
> Because it's small, quiet and gets the job done? Or are you saying that Linux on a NAS box is somehow worse than Linux on a Proliant?

um... LOL!

My Bad Kim. You're absolutely right. All those heavy metal bands I've
been in have made me somewhat deaf ;) Or maybe working in datacenters
all my life - take your pick.

But seriously, you are right. They suck power, and they're fricken' loud
(Not as loud as my Sun V880 workstation. Wait, there's a reason my
friends ask me what kind of mini-bar a Sun is when they go in my closet LOL!

But big? No. a Dl360 is only 1U, but it is a little long ;)

> That said, I actually agree with you. I'm just about the trow out my NAS and replace it with a small quiet Lenovo workstation (Thinkstation M57 SFF) with dual 2TB disks in RAID-1. The NAS was just too slow for any actual usage.

That's a great compromise actually, a good choice. I've been running
OpenFile for a while for SAN, but you should check out
http://www.nas4free.org/index.php/nas4free-home/ (and lemme know coz I
haven't played w/it yet).

As far as OpenFiler is concerned, I've found that I can easily support a
hundred or so VMs w/only 4GB RAM and a couple of cores (and a Good RAID
0+1 w/several drives) if I only do iSCSI. When I do NAS w/say xfs or
anything else that's not a block device, that's when it has to do actual
work and RAM goes through the roof.

I just stumbled across NAS4Free the other day and I'm pretty excited
about it, but for home use even the old FreeNAS would be excellent on a
little box w/RAID 1.

- -- 
Bradley D. Thornton
Manager Network Services
NorthTech Computer
TEL: +1.310.388.9469  (US)
TEL: +44.203.318.2755 (UK)
TEL: +41.43.508.05.10 (CH)

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