[gopher] Which itemtype for video (vote)?

Nick Matavka n.theodore.matavka.files at gmail.com
Mon May 21 22:50:14 UTC 2012

On 20 May 2012 07:47, Damien Carol <damien.carol at gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe 'V' will be more relevant. Same way as g for gif, p for png and I for
> image. Uppercase means generic.
> BUT I don't think add a new item type will be good to clarify things.
> For me, the simple '9' Binary fit well.
> semicolon: 2
> vee: 1
> VEE : 1
> (don't bother and use nine: 3)
> 2012/5/20 Kacper Gutowski <mwgamera at gmail.com>
>> On 2012-05-19 16:56:28, Jeff W wrote:
>> > Nick Matavka <n.theodore.matavka.files at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > Gentlemen and ladies:
>> > > It has come to my attention that the choice of item-type for video is
>> > > somewhat controversial.  The existing, but somewhat awkward, choice is
>> > > ';' (semicolon), which is my own preference, but there are some who
>> > > have floated the idea of it being changed to 'v' (lowercase vee).  The
>> > > sole reason I prefer the semicolon is that it is the (unofficially)
>> > > established standard.  If the selector were changed, admins would have
>> > > to update their sites to accomplish the change, and some Gopher sites
>> > > are... shall we say... updated once in a bit over a millennium.
>> > > Furthermore, clients would have to be reprogrammed to accept the 'v'
>> > > selector as video.
>> > >
>> > > vee: 0
>> > > semicolon: 1
>> >
>> > Simple votes:
>> >
>> > "v" for video: 1
>> > vague control character-looking semi-colon: 0
>> >
>> > Alternately, I'm fine with lumping all the binaries under "9"
>> >
>> > Civic duty - done.
>> I'd prefer using '9' for video because, well, these are binary files.
>> If you need to know whether it's a video of something else you can guess
>> it either by selector (extension) as RFC 1436 suggests or using some
>> magic numbers.  If you want to play it, you'll have to do it anyway.
>> RFC 1436 states that "Characters '0' through 'Z' are reserved.  Local
>> experiments should use other characters." Character ';' happens to fall
>> in the '0'-'Z' range (at least in ASCII) which was probably an error in
>> the first place.  But while I'm not sure what body is in power to make
>> use of reserved characters, I think that once consensus is reached that
>> the type is indeed needed, it should get "standardised" in some way and
>> get one of the characters that were reserved for this purpose.
>> If we really need separate type for video and we want to standardise it,
>> I'd highly recommend using already common and widespread ';' because
>> it's already in the reserved range so client getting ';' can not even
>> safely assume it's some invalid experimental stuff, it's a type it really
>> should know about.
>> For now, we have a lot of guesswork on client side.  I think that the
>> most common and widespread non-standard types like 'h', 'i', or ';'
>> should get adopted as de-facto standard.  But adding another character
>> like 'v' to the mess won't make things any better.
>> The fact that ';' is "vague control-character-looking" is a weak
>> argument as item type was never meant to be shown to end-users and
>> numbers for standard types aren't more informative anyway.
>> semicolon: 2
>> vee: 1
>> (don't bother and use nine: 2)
>> K.
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> --
> Damien CAROL
> gopher://dams.zapto.org/1/
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If it's common and widespread, then it can not in any conceivable way
be thought of as "non-standard".  Think of common-law.  De facto blows
de jure out of the water.

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