[gopher] Line terminators in Gopher transactions

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Tue May 22 02:49:55 UTC 2012

On Tue, 22 May 2012, 03:49:18 EEST, Nick Matavka <n.theodore.matavka.files at gmail.com> wrote:

> I understand that obsolete Mac OS sends CR as an EOL indicator, UNIX
> sends LF, and Micro$haft Winblow$ sends CRLF.   How does all this get
> fixed in Gopher?   What I mean is, how come a Windoze client, expecting
> CRLF, is unburdened by a UNIX server sending it LF's only? Has Gopher
> standardized on CR/LF/CRLF?

Traditionally all TCP protocols have used CRLF as the line ending. Major pain in the ass for both clients and servers, but such is life.

And yes, teh RFC says CRLF, just like all of the other RFCs of the time.

- Kim

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