[gopher] Nmap 6 supports Gopher!

Nuno J. Silva nunojsilva at ist.utl.pt
Tue May 22 19:34:20 UTC 2012

On 2012-05-22, Kim Holviala wrote:

> From the release notes at http://nmap.org/6/
> "Nmap now supports the old-school Gopher protocol thanks to our handy gopher-ls NSE script. We even support Gopher over IPv6!"
> I have absolutely no idea what that means... and I use Gopher and nmap almost daily.
> (WTF is NSE?)

Seems to be a way to make scripts to automate nmap:


The gopher-ls script (http://nmap.org/svn/scripts/gopher-ls.nse) says it
"Lists files and directories at the root of a gopher service.".

>From a quick read, it uses nmap to look for a gopher server and, if
there's something, it prints the first 100 entries of the root menu.

So it's a simple gopher browser built over nmap!

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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