[gopher] caps.txt complete syntax

Christoph Lohmann 20h at r-36.net
Wed May 23 12:32:30 UTC 2012


On Wed, 23 May 2012 14:32:30 +0200 Kim Holviala <kim at holviala.com> wrote:
> On 23.5.2012 11:21, Damien Carol wrote:
> > There something wrong on some servers.
> >
> > The correct english world is "delimiter". BUT floodgap.com
> > <http://floodgap.com> have "PathDelimeter=/" in his caps.txt file.
> >
> > I copy/pasted the floodgap version then I have also the wrong one =)
> >
> > Can we fix it at "PathDelimiter=/"  ???
> Nope, wontfix. Like I said in the previous message, the original spec is 
> right, those who can spell are wrong.

My counter proposal would be:


Key‐matching  should  be case‐insensitive and strncmp() be used to check
for the short forms. That way the dyslexic, the standard  and  the  lan‐
guage nazis are right. It's a win-win-win situation.

That’s how a variable storing it would be shortened and maybe that’s the
reason why programmers don’t know how to write »delimiter«.


Christoph Lohmann

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