[gopher] Mosaic-CK and gopher supportq

Jacob Dahl Pind rachael at telefisk.org
Tue May 29 07:20:39 UTC 2012

On Mon, 28 May 2012, Nick Matavka wrote:
> All this talk about Mosaic and Gopher has given me an idea.  The UI
> for Mosaic is actually pretty nice; I like it.  Now that it also
> supports Gopher, I was wondering about the feasibility of Mosaic
> stripped down so as to support only Gopher, with bookmark support,
> let's call it M-Gopher, or Mosgopher.  The size of it would shrink,
> since it wouldn't need HTTP (not that the Mosaic HTTP rendition is any
> good imho, even compared to Lynx).

It havent just learned gopher, it has known that since the
begining, hurl and i type is what was added.

sizewise we are looking at this:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 rachael users 1867964 May 29 08:55 Mosaic*

A stipped Mosaic-ck takes up 1.8mb, are we really to low on memory 
that it would be meaningful to start and poke away at libwww2 to remove 
anything but gopher form it ?
Would be easier to start from scratch, mosaic has a lot crud in there, 
you could spend an ethernety untangling the spagitty, and still be left 
with all the holes.

Jacob Dahl Pind | telefisk.org | fidonet 2:230/38.8

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