[gopher] .gopher domains available on OpenNIC

Brian Koontz brian at pongonova.net
Tue Oct 2 22:01:28 UTC 2012

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 07:57:34AM +0200, Christoph Lohmann wrote:
> I  registered r36.gopher, but would like to have r???36.gopher but the do???
> main register form does forbid this.

What are the missing characters represented by ???

> And why is there this following passage in the charter? 
> > Sites hosted on a .gopher domain should not serve content via any other
> > protocol.

Mainly there to emphasize that .gopher domains are for serving up
content via the gopher protocol.  It's not like a gang of jack-booted
thugs are going to break your door down if you host a gopher-related
site that serves its content via HTTP.  I think HTTP<->gopher gateways
would certainly be gopher-related content.  

> I  can???t  guarantee  this. This would require a separate IP for just the
> gopher server.

Oh, that's wasn't the intent at all.  I promise, no one is checking!

> Is   there   a  way  to list all known .gopher domains? Of course such a
> feature should enforce some opt???in policy, but it would  make  searching
> the whole gopherspace easier. Then the whole gopher community could have
> a second .gopher domain for all of their servers solely  to  be  on  the
> list of searchable servers and it would strengthen opennic.

Currently, the only way is to do an AXFR on the .gopher T1 server:

dig @ gopher axfr

I think this is a great idea.  

> Another   nice   sideeffect  would  be,  that  it  would allow some easy
> scripting for gopher hole tab completion.
> 	% lynx gopher://<Tab>

How would lynx do the lookup?


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