[gopher] Gopherus - a console-mode gopher client

Mateusz Viste mateusz at viste-family.net
Sun Mar 10 18:06:48 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I released today a new gopher client called "Gopherus". It is a 
console-mode client available for DOS, Windows and Linux. It must be 
noted that it's not using a real console on non-DOS targets, but a 
terminal emulation via SDL.

Some of you might remember 'ddwarf' - another gopher client of mine, 
that I wrote about 4 years ago. Gopherus is visually very close to it, 
altough it doesn't share any code with ddwarf. I wanted to recreate a 
totally new gopher client, using the experience I gained on ddwarf.

Unlike ddwarf, Gopherus is written in plain ANSI C (C89), therefore 
porting it to other platforms should be quit easy (should such need arise).

The gopher page of Gopherus is right here:

For those gopher-impaired, I made also a quick http website:

Mateusz Viste

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