[gopher] Introducing Gopherfeed

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Thu Mar 21 08:42:18 UTC 2013

OK, that problem was a one-character UTF-8 "..." in the source material which fails to render right.

- Kim

On Mar 17, 2013, at 23:58, Luke Maurits <luke at maurits.id.au> wrote:

> Thanks for letting me know it's working.
> There are definitely a few issues with non-ASCII characters getting
> displayed oddly.  I'm not sure if that's a problem in Gopherfeed or a
> shortcoming of Gophernicus or some interaction between the two or
> what, but I'll try to look into it.
> Cheers,
> Luke
> On Sun, 17 Mar 2013 19:12:02 +1000
> daniel g <barana24 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> looks great mate! 
>> thankyou for implementing this
>> tested on ubuntu 11.04 ff 16.0.2 and overbite 3.0.1627
>> I see some txt corruption under the mos_6502 feed ,
>> [External URL]    [2013-01-11 09:03] Strange peripherals… the Triton Quick Disk
>> and
>> [2013-01-04 11:59] Strange peripherals… the Soft Card
>> notice the a with a carat on top and the euro symbol and the pipe?
>> works decently except for a few little niggles
>> great little page!
>>> From: luke at maurits.id.au
>>> To: gopher-project at lists.alioth.debian.org
>>> Subject: [gopher] Introducing Gopherfeed
>>> Greetings list,
>>> I thought folks here might care to hear about a new free software
>>> project of mine, called Gopherfeed
>>> (https://github.com/lmaurits/gopherfeed).  As the name suggests, it's a
>>> tool for converting RSS/Atom feeds into Gophermaps, which can make it
>>> very easy to quickly set up a gopher interface to existing material
>>> online, or to use a gopher client as a minimalist feed reader.  You can
>>> see an example of the sort of thing Gophermap can do at
>>> gopher://luke.maurits.id.au/1feeds.  That page is updated hourly from a
>>> cron job with a single command.
>>> I have just released Gopherfeed 1.2, which is the result of about a
>>> week of testing and debugging on my own site.  While Gopherfeed is
>>> probably still far from bullet-proof, I think it should be fairly
>>> robust by now, with all the most obvious bugs worked out.
>>> There are more advanced features I would like to add (like using
>>> etags / Last-Modified headers to avoid fetching feeds which haven't
>>> changed since last time, and using multiple threads to speed up pulling
>>> down large numbers of feeds), but before I dive into that I want to
>>> make sure that the Gopher side of things is working well, since I'm
>>> fairly new to Gopher technology.
>>> I would appreciate if interested people could give Gopherfeed a spin
>>> and let me know how it works with various gopher servers and clients
>>> and on various OSes and Python versions, since my own testing has been
>>> pretty limited.
>>> Gopherfeed has been uploaded to PyPi, so if you have
>>> setuptools, distutils, pip or anything like that installed you should
>>> be able to install it simply via:
>>> easy_install gopherfeed
>>> or
>>> pip install gopherfeed
>>> etc.
>>> Once installed, you can get usage instructions by just running
>>> "gopherfeed" with no arguments, or you can see the README file on
>>> Github.
>>> Hope this is of use/interest to some of the people here.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Luke
>>> -- 
>>> Luke Maurits <luke at maurits.id.au>
>>> http://www.luke.maurits.id.au
>>> CompCogSci | Crypto | Maths | Python | Unix
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Gopher-Project mailing list
>>> Gopher-Project at lists.alioth.debian.org
>>> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gopher-project
> -- 
> Luke Maurits <luke at maurits.id.au>
> http://www.luke.maurits.id.au
> CompCogSci | Crypto | Maths | Python | Unix
> _______________________________________________
> Gopher-Project mailing list
> Gopher-Project at lists.alioth.debian.org
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gopher-project

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