[gopher] Calling scripts from Gopher

Peter Garner ipad at petergarner.net
Thu Jan 23 15:58:07 UTC 2014

Alistair <alistair at ...> writes:

> On 22/01/2014 22:14, Peter Garner wrote:
> > I'm well aware of the security implications of "bending" the original spec
> > in this way, but what I'm trying to achieve is a relatively simple database
> > lookup to query a database on another machine and return the result as
> > a gopher-friendly stream.
> It's no different to using, say http post. Just remember the number 1 
> rule - never trust any user input. :)

Thanks all - I shall start work on my next project then.  Rule 1 is a *very*
good rule!

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