[gopher] Gopher server running on ARM?

Mateusz Viste mateusz at viste-family.net
Fri Jan 24 09:30:32 UTC 2014


Since several months, the Motsognir gopher server is totally compatible 
with ARM, too.

Installing it is as easy as:
# make
# make install

No dependencies, no xinetd, no interpreted scripting. Runs out of the 
box (I am using it on a few Raspberry boxes with Raspbian myself).



On 01/23/2014 04:55 PM, Peter Garner wrote:
> Oliver Cromm <gmane at ...> writes:
>> I would like to move my (very neglected) Gopher site to my new
>> server machine, which is an ARM-based plug computer.
>> Which server software would be suited to that? Does anyone have
>> experience?
>> I assume pygopherd (which I currently use) would work, being
>> Python. However, I also had an eye on mgod, for low resources
>> requirements and scripting capability (for some pseudo
>> "Web-Services"). However, I'm not a C programmer, so if it doesn't
>> compile I wouldn't know what to do. How likely is it that mgod or
>> a similar product can be adjusted so it compiles?
> My headless Raspberry Model B (700Mhz, 512Mb memory) happily runs Bucktooth
> written in Perl, using Xinetd. Here are some specs:
> Memory:
> arm=496M
> gpu=16M
>               total          used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:   485M       174M       311M         0B        13M       131M
> Low:     485M       174M       311M
> High:         0B         0B         0B
> -/+ buffers/cache:        29M       456M
> Swap:           0B         0B         0B
> I'd recommend this setup.
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