[gopher] Question about using Gopher for P2P file transfer instead of HTTP

Coyo coyo at darkdna.net
Fri Jan 24 20:54:20 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 1/24/2014 12:30 PM, Mateusz Viste wrote:
> I don't really understand your question...
> You seem to relate to the 'web seeding' capability of bittorrent.
> Using gpopher instead is not possible, since gopher doesn't support
> any 'partial' retrieval, which is required to map bittorent chunks
> into http data offsets.

Content distribution, such as games, game patches, apt-like
repositories updates and installation, fetching lots of small files in
succession, which bittorrent is not all that good at, at least not as
individual torrent hashes.

> What is your need exactly? If it is software distribution, and
> you're wondering about putting "software packages" on Gopher, then
> I think you got it wrong: Gopher *does* require a server, just the
> same as http, so the solution would not be "server-less" anymore.

Uh, many peer to peer applications used /embedded/ http servers,
because http is easier to get past NAT firewalls and other network
impediments. My actual question is, what is the gopher-ish approach to
caching lots of small files independently, such as software repositories?

Am I to understand that gopher is not flexible enough to be used for
caching many small files? I understood that gopher is a lot more
lightweight than http, and is easier on spotty mobile or satellite
internet links. I am asking, what is the gopherish way to do this?

I want to use gopher's directory menu system to make it easy to search
for and find files very quickly as part of an automated process. since
menus and search capabilties are a built-in inherent part of gopher,
gopher sounded perfect for this.

Of course, when you have a shiny new hammer, everything starts to look
like nails.

> But I'm fairly sure I missed your point - could you clarify please
> with a simple example?
> cheers, Mateusz

I'm pretty sure you did. I apologize for being unclear.
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