[gopher] Question about using Gopher for P2P file transfer instead of HTTP

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Sat Jan 25 08:19:25 UTC 2014

On Jan 24, 2014, at 23:06, Coyo <coyo at darkdna.net> wrote:

> Well, I'm trying to find a better approach than bittorrent OR
> centralized file serving as part of a commercial cdn. i dont like
> being forced to choose either extreme.

Well... the only real alternatives are paying for servers around the world by yourself, or come up with something so good that people will distribute (mirror) it for you. To stay on topic - Gopher has no features which would be good for media distribution - it's purely a single-client/single-server solution.

> Since bittorrent magnet links can be very slow to initialize, and this
> delay can have a meaningful impact on installation time, i dont want
> to rely on bittorrent alone.

OK, just what exactly are you planning on doing? Anything else than plain HTTP for package installations is not going to work because nothing else will ever go reliably through firewalls.

> I made the mistake of calling sales representatives before, and since
> I was not interested in buying hundreds of thousands of dollars of
> equipment and services RIGHT THEN, was not the representative of a
> multi-billion dollar organization, did not have my own AS number...

Hmm, I don't know who you called, but I just called and got a callback from Akamai like two weeks ago and they were nothing like that. Yes, the prices are high (I got a quote of about $3000/month for the traffic I'd like to offload to a CDN) but the service is good too. It sucks that they don't publicly announce their prices, but such is life.

To be honest, I think I can do country-localized CDN (which is what I need - the site has no internation users) better and cheaper than Akamai, but I didn't find the price completely out of line.

> If you do CDNs for a living, maybe you can tell me if I'm missing
> something. It could be that CDNs are very reasonably priced, but I'm
> not able to get a quote without a very rude sales rep hanging up on me.

Well, how about free? Cloudflare (http://www.cloudflare.com/plans) has plenty of users and is extermely cheap. Useless for me since they don't have presence in this country, but for countries where they do operate they have very good deals.

- Kim

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