[gopher] Noob question about Gophernicus and PHP

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Thu Jan 30 12:41:44 UTC 2014

On Jan 30, 2014, at 13:16, Peter Garner <ipad at petergarner.net> wrote:

> I've set up PHP for Gophernicus and have confirmed
> that I can run a test php script from the command line and
> I've updated my xinetd.conf to include the -f flag.
> However, I need some clarification on how to call a php 
> script: at the moment my php(-cli) is located in 
> /usr/lib/gophernicus/filters and I have a helloworld.php in
> there as well.

Yeah... the documentation could be a bit better. You should complain directly to the idiot who wrot.... 

.... oh, it was me? Then it's just a feature, not a bug :D.

OK, here's how it works:

I have "-f /usr/lib/gophernicus/filters" in my gophernicus options. That makes gophernicus to search for "filters" from that directory - filter being an executable which filters content files into something else before sending them to the client.

My php filter looks like this:

$ ls -la /usr/lib/gophernicus/filters/php
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Jan 25 15:09 /usr/lib/gophernicus/filters/php -> ../../../bin/php5

What it means is that all files ending with .php will be filtered through the ../../../bin/php5 binary (in other words, /usr/bin/php5). Since gopher is not html make sure you point that to the CLI version of php, not the CGI version (and it seems that you did). Instead of symlinking you can also copy the php binary there which you seem to have done.

I then write a simple PHP file and save it as /var/gopher/phpinfo.php:


The end result is here:

The only mistake you made was putting the content into the filter directory - only filters go to the filter directory, php files will live normally anywhere under /var/gopher/. Also since this is gopher you need to make sure to have your filetype in the url (that "0/" above just before phpinfo).

- Kim

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