[gopher] Gopher HTML pages in OverBiteFF question

Kevin Veroneau kevin at veroneau.net
Fri Apr 17 21:50:44 UTC 2015


  I'm just playing around with Gopher HTML pages...  and yes I know lots of you are going to claim some degree of outrage, I also prefer plain text on gopher too, but wanted to play with HTML a bit on it.  Anyways...

  I noticed that OverBiteFF can load images just fine from an HTML document over the gopher protocol.  However I also noticed that you must use "absolute URLs" for it to work, at least in OverbiteFF.  Now my question here is, I also attempted to load a JavaScript file over the gopher protocol in a proper script tag.  However, overbiteFF just hangs as it's tries to load the resource.  I assume that this is a weird Firefox quirk, but I'd like to know if anybody found a work around for loading JavaScript over gopher?

  If anybody's curious what I'm up to.  I am just a tad curious if gopher could be used to host a fully functional HTML site, with modern CSS and JavaScript.  Another bottleneck would be form submission, but I have a secret weapon for that.  I think it would be *kewl* if we could create a working Gopher-HTTP proxy, basically the other way around to a common HTTP-Gopher proxy. So basically displaying full fledged HTTP pages in GopherSpace.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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